Home > Share your DEVASC Experience

Share your DEVASC Experience

February 5th, 2020 Go to comments

Please share with us your experience to prepare for the new DEVASC 200-901 exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Your posts are warmly welcome! Hope you will find useful information here!

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  1. Rahul
    July 13th, 2020

    @ VCE dump is valid?

  2. Kakakaz75
    July 14th, 2020

    Hi All

    i’ve a doubt about this question

    Which two elements are foundational of DevOps? (Choose two.)
    —>A. organizing cross-functional teams over organizational silos
    B. designing applications as microservices
    C. encouraging containers for the deployment of applications
    D. automating over documenting
    —->E. optimizing the cost of infrastructures

    In this forum, the correct answers are A & E, but in different other site i found A & D
    What Do You think about this?

    Correct Answer: AC
    Section: (none) Explanation

  3. dml
    July 14th, 2020


    Devops doesn’t take in consideration costs.

    It encourage usage of containers.

    It’s A and C.

    Automating over documenting – this concept is similar to Working software over comprehensive documentation which is Manifesto for Agile Software Development.

  4. Kakakaz75
    July 15th, 2020

    @dml thanks for answer

    for this question(I’m sorry you already answered that question)

    Which two statements describe the advantages of using a version control system? (Choose two.)
    A. It allows for branching and merging so that different tasks are worked on in isolation before they are merged into a feature or master branch.
    B. It provides tooling to automate application builds and infrastructure provisioning.
    C. It allows multiple engineers to work against the same code and configuration files and mange differences and conflicts.
    D. It provides a system to track User Stories and allocate to backlogs.
    E. It allows developers to write effective unit tests.

    in the pdf file, i found A+D answer, but C seems like better answer…
    What do u think?

  5. Kakakaz75
    July 15th, 2020

    4 all those who have tried the exam

    Is the number of exam questions always around 60?


  6. Kakakaz75
    July 15th, 2020

    About question XML 2 JSON converter, for me all answer are wrong. the best answer seems like A

    “science”: {
    “bio”: “10”,
    “chi”: “20”
    “math”: {
    “calc”: “20”,
    “algebra”: “30”

    But “[” They must not be present. What do you think?

  7. dml
    July 15th, 2020


    I thought that question was fine, but I agree with you, it should be A and C.

    Version control provides user tracking stories but I think it could be wrong the part of allocate to backlog that is a concept found on agile as well.

    Regarding XML to JSON answer C.
    We have books with a list of 2 elements science and math, each with a dict.

    A. wrong because data is in a list [], hence it’s not considered json
    B. wrong cause list is not closed ]
    D. Has a , instead of : on “math”

    60 questions ? you kidding … XD

    Exam has 100+ questions.

  8. Kakakaz75
    July 17th, 2020

    I just finished and I pass the exam
    All Q on PL, answer form here and from PL must be reviwe

    @dml 10KS

  9. Imstudying
    July 24th, 2020


    Yes, C is correct, IMHO. A, C.

  10. Yorkie
    July 26th, 2020

    I believe your answer about the bare metal system is incorrect and @Ali is correct. The bare metal systems RUN the hypervisors but the VMs run directly using a hypervisor. A bare metal system does not require the use of a hypervisor to run properly. SMH.

  11. Alejandro
    July 28th, 2020

    Passed with information on here tks dml and kaka
    Fill in the blanks was very hard for me you need practice with APIs a lot

  12. PB
    July 29th, 2020

    @dml am I the only that thinks 13 and 73 are wrong?

  13. cpt
    July 30th, 2020

    I think 13 should be like this:

    Network port – EXPOSE …
    Mount point – VOLUME []
    Run as an executable – ENTRYPOINT []
    First Instruction – FROM …

    See link below for an example

    The following Dockerfile shows using the ENTRYPOINT to run Apache in the foreground (i.e., as PID 1):

    FROM debian:stable
    RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y –force-yes apache2
    EXPOSE 80 443
    VOLUME [“/var/www”, “/var/log/apache2”, “/etc/apache2”]
    ENTRYPOINT [“/usr/sbin/apache2ctl”, “-D”, “FOREGROUND”]

    Anyone taking exam this week?


  14. cpt
    July 30th, 2020

    For 73 It should be load balancer in my opinion.

  15. Imstudying
    July 30th, 2020


    You are right, this is correct:

    Network port – EXPOSE …
    Mount point – VOLUME []
    Run as an executable – ENTRYPOINT []
    First Instruction – FROM …

    What question/answer are you referring to? What is the supposed correct answer?

  16. cpt
    July 31st, 2020


    When are you planing to do the exam?

    I passed the exam today. There were 102 questions and the answer from my previous post came!
    All of you guys that are still getting prepared, you should review the material shared by @harishita and dav in Comment page 1. Around 5 to 10 questions were a bit different but you can try to find out the right answer for each of them.

    dml did correction of the those material, so do not forget to review his post.

    Thanks for posting dml and all of you guys. You are great!

  17. Anonymous
    August 4th, 2020

    Anyone has PDF study guide to share?

  18. Jack
    August 6th, 2020

    Hello! What’s the link for Opstut.com dumps?

  19. pepper
    August 17th, 2020

    Hello all what is the best VCE available ? hoping NOT to have to purchase one

  20. amira
    August 25th, 2020

    Hi! are there any dumps you guys can share for this exam?

  21. Anonymous
    August 26th, 2020

    Does anyone take the DEVCOR exam? How many questions? Any dumP about it?

  22. cpt
    September 12th, 2020

    I am planning to take DEVCOR but until the end of this year.

  23. Anonymous
    September 19th, 2020

    Hi I believed the answer for question 42 d&d is this one


  24. Anonymous
    September 23rd, 2020

    Anyone has PDF study guide to share? Thanks

  25. Devasc
    September 26th, 2020


    Planning to take this exam in a month. Is there any valid dumps?

  26. Collaborator
    October 5th, 2020

    Official ert Guide epub https://gofile.io /d/UFucSJ

  27. Collaborator
    October 5th, 2020

    That is Cert Guide, just remove the space after the .io

  28. Anonymous
    October 5th, 2020

    @Collaborator thanks a lot buddy!

  29. Jose
    October 9th, 2020

    Anyone, who has already done the exam. Can you confirm if following dumps are valid?



  30. ragnar0ck
    October 19th, 2020

    What are two advantages of the Model-view-controller software design pattern? (Choose two.)
    A. simplifies network automation
    B. allows for multiple views of the same model
    C. makes code easier to deploy using Cl/CD pipelines
    D. reduces need for error handling
    E. separates responsibilities of the code, which makes future modifications easier

    I think B and E or C and E could be the correct answer.

    A and D seems incorrect, how can MVC reduce error handling and simplify network automation.
    MVC uses the separation of concern (SoC) principle so E is definitely correct

  31. Hi
    October 19th, 2020

    has anyone taken exam recently or planning to?

  32. ragnar0ck212
    October 21st, 2020


    I am planning to take the exam

  33. Collaborator
    October 22nd, 2020

    I’ll be taking the exam by year end.

  34. ragnar0ck121
    October 23rd, 2020

    Hi Collaborator

    would like to get in touch with you and anyone else taking the exam

  35. Anonymous
    October 27th, 2020

    has anyone taken exam recently? is 130q valid? greatly appreciated if anyone could share it… thanks

  36. ganondorf
    October 28th, 2020

    i just finished the cert guide and official training, anyone who has the lastest valid dump?

  37. Collaborator
    October 28th, 2020

    Decryption Key: dTwi9B7TbFymVISXsH1GXmwkKlGxjHnoNjZPUn8V-Ag

    130Q dump

  38. paka
    October 29th, 2020

    anyone passed recently?

  39. Anonymous
    October 29th, 2020

    Hi it seems 144q is the latest one. Can anybody confirm if this is true and 130q or 144q is valid?

  40. Josh
    October 29th, 2020

    Hi Collaborator, the 130Q dumps you are referring are still valid?

  41. Kazuki
    October 30th, 2020

    Hi Collaborator, The 130Q dumps. Is it still valid ?

  42. ME
    October 31st, 2020

    where can i have the PCACP-31-03 dump ?

  43. Ryan
    November 1st, 2020

    can you share 144q?

  44. Peter N.
    November 2nd, 2020

    do you have the Activation Code of the DEVASC prep test?

  45. Collaborator
    November 2nd, 2020

    @Peter N – the decryption key is right ther under the mega link, no activation key is required

  46. ExamPrep
    November 5th, 2020

    Has anyone passed the exam recently? Are the dumps still valid? Thanks

  47. anonymous
    November 6th, 2020

    can someone share latest dumps?
    thank you.

    November 7th, 2020

    I will do the exam next monday, actually using the 130q, aynone has the 144q? then i can give the feedback is dump is updated or not.

  49. Sadad
    November 8th, 2020

    Can anyone give me the valid dumps for CyberOps (200 -201). It will be very helpful for me.
    Any update mail me at: sopnorr @ gmail . com

  50. Peter N.
    November 9th, 2020

    Another dump file from Anonymous of May5th called Army_DEVASC are valid questions from the actual test, though most answers are obviously wrong in the PDF.
    Here my solutions (no guarantee of course):
    Q1 is D not A
    Q3 is A not D
    Q5 is D not A
    Q7 B not A
    Q8 BE not AD
    Q11 B not C
    Q12 AE not DE
    Q16 A not B
    Q17 C not A
    Q21 D not B
    Q23 D not C
    Q24 C not B
    Q25 A not C
    Q26 AB not AD
    Q27 B not D
    Q28 E not B
    drag&drops are also quite wrong, please check yourself

  51. Note: Please do not open any suspicious links (especially short links and links that need to remove some words to open) in the comment section above as they are usually spams and may harm your computer.
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