Home > Share your DEVASC Experience

Share your DEVASC Experience

February 5th, 2020 Go to comments

Please share with us your experience to prepare for the new DEVASC 200-901 exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Your posts are warmly welcome! Hope you will find useful information here!

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  1. Collaborator
    December 21st, 2020

    @anon, I don’t care if you’re the Prince of Persia, you do not get to make demands around here. All the information to access the file is provided, if you cannot figure it out, I suggest you look back to my post for the 130Q file. The same format applies. Good luck and good day.

  2. devie
    December 21st, 2020

    @Collaborator, sorry to bother you, can you share the decryption key please? I tried the key from 130q and it is not working, sorry again and thank you for sharing

  3. Anonymous
    December 21st, 2020

    sorry to bother you, can you share the decryption key please? I don’t see it. THANKS

  4. PaulaD
    December 21st, 2020

    @Collaborator, sorry to bother you, can you share the decryption key please? THANK YOU

  5. Collaborator
    December 21st, 2020

    decrypt for the 153Q:

  6. devie
    December 21st, 2020

    @Collaborator, thank you so much, many blessings!!!

  7. Collaborator
    December 21st, 2020

    @devie – good luck!

  8. Mohamed
    December 23rd, 2020

    Does anyone have dumps for Cisco sd wan 300-415?

  9. Fox
    December 23rd, 2020

    just pass yesterday with score 900, 7 new question
    dump 153 question is still ok

  10. Anonymous
    December 23rd, 2020

    Yes, I am using 200-901 exam dumps & i passed in first attempt. if any interested then email me alisroman 161 @ g mail. com

  11. Collaborator
    December 23rd, 2020

    @mohamed – drop your email address, I can send one along

  12. Lora
    December 24th, 2020

    Hello Guys, Much appreciated it, if could you please share the Cisco book with me. I have planned to take the exam in mid-January, 2021. techielora @ gmail. com …. please…..

  13. Collaborator
    December 24th, 2020

    @Lora – the Cert Guide was shared on page two, link is still valid.

  14. Devy
    December 25th, 2020

    Any guidance on Q80 from the 153Q. I’m trying to understand why BC are chosen

  15. Devy
    December 25th, 2020

    Any guidance on why BC are selected for Q80 on the 153?

  16. OneGoodFriend
    December 26th, 2020

    I was not able to open the PDF BOOK; any hint please;thank you

  17. OneHopefulTaker
    December 28th, 2020

    @Collaborator or anyone, can someone share the link to the 153q dump please? Thanks for any help

  18. Anonymous
    December 29th, 2020

    Dump 153q, question 16: transport-SSH is incorrect; transport-HTTPS is correct.

  19. Anonymous
    December 29th, 2020

    q25 on the 153, A&B is correct ???

  20. papi
    January 1st, 2021

    can someone please share 153 dump

  21. Condor
    January 3rd, 2021

    @Collaborator thank you very much…

  22. Anonymous
    January 4th, 2021

    @Collaborator thank you very much for sharing the 153q!
    Just a question, the answers in this dump document are right for what we know at the moment? I see a lot of corrections in those pages and I’m wondering if those corrections are already integrated in this new document or not…
    Thanks for any help!

  23. Anonymous
    January 4th, 2021

    Anyone took exam recently? Please share your insights.I was read 153q by collaborator but it seem some mistakes, I put 153q on telegram group (search DEVASC 200-901) , hopefully i have your guys there for discussion, learning together

  24. Collaborator
    January 7th, 2021

    Howdy peeps, I took and passed the test a few weeks ago. I used the 153Q but you cannot take the answers provided, on any dump, as being correct. Do a little research, ask questions and as a group you’ll figure out what is right and wrong.

  25. CCIE Kam
    January 8th, 2021

    @q25 being A&B – I agree it is a AB not BC

  26. Anonymous
    January 8th, 2021

    I have just passed the exam. It has 105 questions with duration 170 minutes. Dump 153q is right for all of drag & drop, fill blank questions. The exam has about 3-4 new questions.

  27. Anonymous
    January 8th, 2021

    @anonymous, congrats. Did you make revision on questions answer or follow 153q ?

  28. CCIE Kam
    January 10th, 2021

    anyone think the D&D q147 is not right?

  29. Anonymous
    January 10th, 2021

    @CCIE Kam
    Hi, I think the answer is below.

    The timeline is …
    Developers respond …

    The focus is …
    Users receive …

    What do you think?

  30. CCIE Kam
    January 10th, 2021

    @Anonymous – yep that is exactly what I have too. In Agile the feedback will be provided before the product is fully completed (based on the sprints and iterations).

    As it stands, both of the feedback answers can’t be in the Waterfall since they contradict. Thanks for the confirmation!

  31. Fadi
    January 11th, 2021

    does anyone knows if opstut has the dumps somewhere and if yes how to sign for the premium membership to get to these questions? thanks

  32. CCIE Kam
    January 11th, 2021

    @Anonymous – I agree with you 100% that the timeline is should be in Agile as feedback is received prior to project completion (via the sprints).

    as it stands you can’t have both of the feedback answers in the Waterfall as they conflict.

  33. jmanu24
    January 11th, 2021

    Thanks so much @Collaborator!!!

  34. Collaborator
    January 12th, 2021

    @Fadi – you can find the links in the previous pages for the 153Q dump

  35. KamCCIE
    January 15th, 2021

    took the exam this morning and passed! score 9xx

    Study Materials Used
    – IP PRO TV DevAsc Videos
    – CiscoPress – DEVASC 200-901 official cert guide
    – 153q (still valid as of 1/15) only 4 new questions

    Please don’t just accept the 153q as is since not all of the answers were correct. The following were the ones I thought were incorrect based on my studies.

    Q25, Q44, Q54, Q58, Q66, Q93, Q116, Q117,Q122, Q147

  36. BRK
    January 15th, 2021

    First of all, thanks for your work Collaborator, these dumps helps a lot to study

    In second term… The answer of the dumps are vàlid?


  37. Anonymous
    January 17th, 2021

    Hi Guys.
    I booked my exam for 6th of January.
    Please share any tips which can help.
    I already passed the big composite here 7 times.
    I will keep doing this big test till passing it 10 times.
    A part from that, if you have any tips and advices, it will be very helpful.

  38. Anonymous
    January 17th, 2021

    Thank you !

  39. John
    January 17th, 2021

    Thank you huys

  40. Anonymous
    January 21st, 2021

    Passed the certification few days ago, I got 102 questions from the 153q dumps shared previously. Like KamCCIE, I have checked every questions of the dumps when I started to study it as some of the answer were wrong.
    Got new question on class vs function and 2 others

  41. amo
    January 23rd, 2021

    Passed DevNet ASC today. My score is 95X.
    “153 questions” has been valid.
    But there are a lot of wrong answers in it so you must find correct answers.

    And I encountered few new questions about HTTPS default port number and the advantage of Python module and more.


  42. Anonymous
    January 23rd, 2021

    Where is the link for the dumps?

  43. xXxAgent
    January 24th, 2021

    Which platform is run directly using a hypervisor?

    A. Virtual
    B. Bare metal systems
    C. Containers
    D. Applications

    153q selects C as the right answer, but the right one is A, it isn’t?

  44. Anonymous
    January 24th, 2021

    I was wondering if anyone has a link to the course final exam and not the Industrial final exam I have done exam 1-8 and the practice final but cannot find the Final exam v1.0

  45. Anonymous
    January 25th, 2021

    Hi all
    Yes, I have all Latest 2021 Real CCNA exam questions in cheap cost. If any want then contact me alisroman 161 @ g mail . c o m*

  46. Anonymous
    January 25th, 2021

    @Collaborator, can you please share again dumps? Seems that the one you have shared before is not available anymore. Thank you in advance.

  47. Examer
    January 27th, 2021

    Hi All,

    Can anyone verify if the 153q dumps still valid as of today?

  48. Anonymous
    January 27th, 2021

    @Examer, could you please share this 153q dumps?

  49. Anonymous
    January 28th, 2021

    On the questions that say fill in the blank…. Do you actually have to type in the response….?

  50. BRK
    January 30th, 2021

    Passe the exam a few days ago… All qüestions from 153 dump.

    2 New qüestions that i remmeber… Whats the port for https? – 443

    And another one about creating a env variable, the command is export

    Dont do the exam only with dumps… Study, code, use Cisco sandbox to do some practices… And then use the dumps.

    If you only use the dumps, Maybe you pass the exam, but you Will fail in t’he real world

    Good luck

  51. Note: Please do not open any suspicious links (especially short links and links that need to remove some words to open) in the comment section above as they are usually spams and may harm your computer.
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